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Home News MeriTalk: The Secret to Implementing Zero Trust? Developing a Business Case

MeriTalk: The Secret to Implementing Zero Trust? Developing a Business Case

MeriTalk: The Secret to Implementing Zero Trust? Developing a Business Case

During a Jan. 27 webinar hosted by ATARC, Federal officials explained that zero trust is as much of a cultural pivot as it is technical.

“One of the core aspects of any kind of zero trust, just education … is talking about the evolution into zero trust capabilities within your environment being something that you need to put forth in the terms of a business case,” Martin Stanley, the strategic technology branch chief, Office of the Chief Technology Officer at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), said…

Grant Dasher, an identity and access management expert at CISA, said he is also familiar with the challenges of funding zero trust efforts, but stressed there are ways to find a solution.

“If you can get executive consensus that a particular step is the right thing to do, there’s usually ways to make progress,” Dasher said, adding, “you know, once you have that business case and you have the necessary level of executive support to move forward.” Read the full article here.


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