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Home News Federal News Network: Forthcoming national cyber strategy highlights 2023 cybersecurity agenda

Federal News Network: Forthcoming national cyber strategy highlights 2023 cybersecurity agenda

Federal News Network: Forthcoming national cyber strategy highlights 2023 cybersecurity agenda

The White House Office of the National Cyber Director is expected to issue a new national cyber strategy within the next couple of months. Mark Montgomery, the senior director of the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said the strategy will likely map out a shift already underway toward more cybersecurity regulation.

“We’ve been working for about 23 years on a largely voluntary approach,” Montgomery said. “The way forward is going to require thinking about regulation.” …

Agencies are also moving to adopt a new cybersecurity architecture under the federal zero trust strategy released last January. Federal Chief Information Security Officer Chris DeRusha said the focus is now on implementation.

“We have a lot of policy out now,” DeRusha said on Ask the CIO. “And it’s really about the oversight, governance, getting these performance metrics right, ensuring that they’re giving us key insights, not just to how we’re doing, but when we’re not doing well, why? I call those key insight metrics.” … Read the full article here.


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