Notice ID: 36C26224Q0265
The system will provides precise and accurate dosing of methadone. Its design minimizes fluid loss and enhances record keeping. MyAvatar is the software being requested to streamline medication orders and dispensing documentation while protecting privacy. The vendor will provide software set up, database configuration, AMS to myAvatar AM Data Conversion and testing, Remote Go Live Support for the automated methadone prescription dispensing system. The vendor will also provide set up of the Methaspense Controlled Methadone Dispensing System, used for dosing methadone in GLA’s opioid treatment program. The vendor shall ensure adequate LAN/Internet, data, information, and system security in accordance with VA standard operating procedures and standard contract language, conditions laws, and regulations. The vendor’s firewall and web server shall meet or exceed the government minimum requirements for security. All government data shall be protected behind an approved firewall. Any security violations or attempted violations shall be reported to the VA Project Manager and the VBA Headquarters Information Security Officer as soon as possible.