Thursday, September 26, 2024

VA RFI #2: Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0 IDIQ Contract- Request for Information (RFI) 2: Follow-Up Notice

Notice ID 36C10X23R0032_4
Request for Information (RFI #2)- FOLLOW UP
Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0

REFERENCE: Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0 IDIQ Contract- Request for Information (RFI) 2: Conceptual Unrestricted Pool (posted to 6/30/23 with responses due 7/14/23.)


The purpose of this SPECIAL NOTICE is to share proposed Unrestricted Pool criteria with Industry Partners.

  1. Background

In its previous Request for Information, VA shared information on a proposed IHT unrestricted pool and presented questions to Industry related to the Unrestricted Pool Approach. Most responses from Industry acknowledged the value of the proposed strategy but emphasized the importance of developing clear criteria for determining a given Task Order requirement as suitable for the unrestricted pool (and thus not suitable for the set-aside pool).

  1. Objective

Based on the feedback received the Government has developed draft criteria to be incorporated into the IHT 2.0 solicitation and resulting contracts. The Government is sharing the criteria through this notice for full transparency on intended process. While the Government is not presenting questions to Industry in this Notice, Industry Partners may share feedback if desired following the general instructions at the end of this notice.

  1. Proposed Unrestricted Pool criteria

The Government intends to include the following criteria in the solicitation and contracts for use by Contracting Officers in determining whether a customer’s requirement should be unrestricted. Assuming the Task Order requirement is otherwise within scope of the IHT 2.0 IDIQ (in terms of type of work, labor categories, period of performance, maximum value), the criteria for an unrestricted task order is as follows:

Pre-solicitation criteria (before issuing a task order solicitation):

  1. Standard Market research (prior to submitting to contracting) shows that there are two or more certified and capable SDVOSBs in the marketplace (the contracting officer does not have a reasonable expectation that two or more of those SDVSOBs will submit offers and that the award can be made at a fair and reasonable price that provides best value to the United States.)not

Rationale- If full market research is conducted and documented that demonstrates two or more not capable, SDVOSB rule of two requirements are met.

  1. Estimated Task Order value is 5 x NAICS size standard (over $125M), per the Government’s Independent Government Cost estimate (IGCE).

**Rationale-**Assumption that award of a task order of this magnitude to an SDVOSB would, in essence, create a large business with one award.

  1. Government estimates that 70% or greater of dollars paid for performance will be for concerns other than SDVOSB (likely Task or Labor Category Based)

**Rationale-**If set-aside, inherent difficulties for VITAL to make-up subcontract percentage to get back to at least 50% SDVOSB performance (especially if this TO is larger than average)

  1. Through internal market research* of all set-aside primes, fewer than two set-aside primes confirm their ability to support (with no CO knowledge of capable SDVOSBs outside IHT) -or- No (zero) set-aside primes provide an intention to propose on the requirement based off the requirement description.
  • Internal market research would include posting a market research request with a requirements statement to all set-aside contract holders (VITALs). The requirement statement will include critical elements of the requirement such as: Urgency, Risk (Veteran patient harm/Media Scrutiny/Data Security), visibility (GAO/IG/Congressional eyes), Enterprise-wide/ Multi-Agency Requirements, specialized expertise, geographic requirements to include simultaneous deployment of resources (like EHRM deployment support or MyVA Access), predominant labor categories needed, and other pertinent requirements information as applicable.

Rationale- Assumption is that 1) the awardees are the best at what they do, and 2) if VITALS can’t do it with their teaming partners, there is almost zero probability that two SDVOSB outside IHT are capable.

Post-solicitation criteria (after issuing a task order solicitation):

  1. Solicited set-aside Task Order solicitation results in no proposals submitted from any set-aside pool teams.

**Rationale-**Assumption is that 1) the awardees are the best at what they do, and 2) if VITALS can’t do it with their teaming partners, there is almost zero chance that two SDVOSB outside IHT can do it.

  1. No awardable proposal from the set-aside solicitation (based off capability) without a substantial rewrite by the offeror. (CO judgement/ determination based off technical evaluation results.)

**Rationale-**Assumption is that 1) the awardees are the best at what they do, and 2) if VITALS can’t do it with their teaming partners, there is almost zero chance that two SDVOSB outside IHT can do it.

  1. Feedback

If interested in providing feedback on the proposed IHT 2.0 Unrestricted Task Order criteria, please follow the below guidelines:

  1. CONFIDENTIALITY: No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response. The Government reserves the right to use any non-proprietary technical information in any resultant solicitation(s).
  2. In all correspondence relevant to this Notice, please identify it as a response to the “VHA Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0- Unrestricted Criteria Feedback- 36C10X23R0032 – <company name>”. (Response and Subject Line of email).
  3. Submission: Feedback on this special notice shall be submitted to the following points of contact:,,, and, respectively, no later than August 30, 2023, at 10:00AM ET.
  4. Limit all feedback to 2 pages or less and utilize the format below:
  5. General Information

A1. Organization name, address, and web site. (Include any previous names used)

A2. Company Ownership (public, private, joint venture)

A3. Point of contact to include e-mail address and telephone number.

A4. Business size (large or small).  If small, please provide type of small business/socio economic status.

  1. Industry Feedback

B1. Provide any feedback related to the specific criteria presented above.

  1. What’s Next

Questions: No questions are being accepted at this time.

Notice Expansion: Depending upon the feedback received, VA may request additional information/ clarification, and may adjust criteria.

Future Events: Special notices will be posted to for any upcoming events related to IHT 2.0, including pre-solicitation notices as the RFP release date approaches…

Read more here.


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