Wednesday, December 25, 2024

FDA RFQ: KNIME Business Hub Software & Support

Notice ID: 75F40123Q00243


FDA data is diverse and may include, but is not limited to: retail, electronic health records, molecular, social listening, substance, pre-market, surveillance and enforcement data. Knowledge of modern data analytics techniques and the ability to effectively manipulate, use and present data within stringent time constraints is the fundamental activity of this task. FDA requires modern approaches and technology for collaborating on and deploying data science solutions in a manageable, predictable and repeatable manner.


The objective of the procurement is to obtain the KNIME Business Hub Software that would provide the following capabilities to the FDA. KNIME Business Hub is an enterprise software for collaborating on, and deploying data science solutions to drive analytic insights across the organization. Anyone who builds analytic solutions with the low-code, no-code KNIME Analytics Platform can leverage KNIME Business Hub to scale these insights across the enterprise. KNIME Business Hub provides organizations with single, scalable environment to securely collaborate and share best practices, as well as deploy and monitor their analytical workflows. The scalable, cloud-native architecture as well, as team-controlled execution, enables fast community adoption and reduces the burden on central IT. This suite of features enables organizations to build vibrant data science communities and accelerate the spread of data-driven decisioning. This contract will include the procurement of the KNIME Business Hub software, annual licenses, technical & maintenance support services required to install, configure and maintain the products at the FDA.


3.1 KNIME Business Hub Software

  • Provide Standard Enterprise licenses and maintenance support for KNIME Business Hub Software.
  • Provide KNIME Business Hub Software that easily integrates with the existing platform at the FDA.
  • Provide Installation and technical support for all 4 FDA data center environments (including Development, Test, Preproduction and Production).

3.2 Enterprise Technical Support Services

The Contractor shall provide all technical support services described below:

  • Online support knowledgebase unrestricted for FDA.
  • Technical service product bulletins unrestricted for FDA.
  • Vendor shall supply major upgrades and enhancements to licensed products.
  • Vendor shall supply latest hot fixes and service packs as released.
  • Technical Support services includes new releases, patches, minor upgrades, major upgrades, training and operation assistance

Read more here.



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