Saturday, January 18, 2025

VA RFQ: Implement a Virtual Online Employee Whole Health Platform

Notice ID: 36C25523Q0620


Need a digital solution that provides access to improve the health and well-being to all STL VA HCS employees at all sites of care and all shifts.  The wellness platform needs to have a variety of options available to cover all areas of health & well-being, to include: Mindful Awareness, Moving the Body, Surroundings, Personal Development, Food & Drink, Recharge, Relationships, Spirit & Soul, and Power of the Mind. This is a VHA long-term initiative to address burnout and promote employee well-being.


  1. VA St. Louis HealthCare System is looking to purchase a virtual fitness, health, and wellness service for VA employees to reduce stress and burn out in support of its Employee Whole Health program. The goals include, but are not limited to, giving employees tools to support increased wellness and resiliency to improve employee health, satisfaction, and mission readiness.
  2. Building and resourcing an Employee Whole Health Program is a communicated priority for each VA medical center facility, per FY23 Whole Health Funding Memorandum, as well as the FY23 VISN 15 Network Director & Medical Center Director Performance Plan.
  3. This program will address gaps in the STL VA HCS Employee Whole Health Program by offering employees the tools to support increased employee wellness and resilience to improve employee health, satisfaction, and mission readiness. The virtual platform will offer support and training to telework, Community Based Outpatient Clinics, and off-tour employees.
  4. The Agency’s I-DEA Strategic Plan 2022 has a priority goal that the VA will institute physical and technological solutions to empower all employees to advance the Department’s mission.
  5. Building and resourcing an Employee Wellness Program is a priority for each VA medical center facility and supports VA initiative to reduce work related stress and fatigue for employees. The purchase of a virtual fitness, health, and wellness service has been approved by the VA STL HCS Whole Health Clinical Director, VA STL HCS Medical Center Director, and the VISN 15 Whole Health Point of contact.

Read more here.



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