Notice ID: IHS1477491
The Claremore Indian Hospital (CIH), Indian Health Services (IHS) has a requirement for encoder software. This annual software for medical coding will produce accurate CPT, ICD-10, HCPCS, coding guidelines, edits, and CCs/MCCs for CIH. This software will be an annual license with one-time annual implementation and training. 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The contractor will provide CIH encoder software with a one-year license which will include a one-time annual implementation and training fees. The training and implementation will include customer and technical support that includes the following for 1 year: Coding updates Guideline updates System updates Monthly refresher training sessions, sessions will include 1 CEU per session per coder
The encoder software will provide the following elements: ICD-10-CM / PCS & ICD-9-CM code search CPT®/ HCPCS code search CMS DRG, APC, and ASC groupers & pricers CMS Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs) values Medicare code edits (OCE, MCE, NCCI & MUE) CPT® Anesthesia / CPT® Procedure Crosswalk Database with Reporting Tool (coding management & productivity reports) DRG validation assistance ICD-9-CM to CPT® Crosswalk Proprietary relational code & modifier edits