Monday, January 6, 2025

VA RFQ: Face Measuring Mobile Application

Notice ID: 75D301-23-Q-76498


Respiratory protection research and panel sizing requirements currently rely on manual measurements based on the NIOSH Bivariate Panel (face length and width measurements) and the NIOSH Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Panel (10 facial measurements). Additionally, fit testing in the workplace can be time consuming, both during routine operations and emergencies. Technology is now capable of capturing the 3D geometries of faces and creating custom-fitted masks made for the user based on their digital facial measurements.

SCOPE OF WORK – The goal of the project is to develop a mobile app for Apple iPhone and Apple iPads to measure a user’s face as specified in Task 1 of Section

TASKS TO BE PERFORMED Task 1. Develop Platform and Database – Base. Apple App.- Three (3) years Overview: The contracted app developer will develop an app with a user-friendly and intuitive interface that allows the user to determine their NIOSH Bivariate Panel sizing and NIOSH PCA Panel sizing using the camera of their mobile device. The app will display the resulting panel sizes and facial dimensions to the user and allow the user to export their results via email and have the option to share their results with NIOSH.

Mobile Application Requirements:

  1. Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) is an integral part of the Agency’s strategic planning initiative. In accordance with the CPIC process and Clinger-Cohen Act, Contractor shall follow the HHS EPLC framework and provide complete, reliable, consistent, and timely life-cycle information, to include development and cost information; and systematic measurement of performance.
  2. The app shall use preferred technology stacks that are in use within NIOSH and CDC for ease of maintenance and supportability throughout the application’s lifecycle.
  3. The app shall be designed to work on iPad and iPhone models which adhere to CDC’s equipment standards. Only iPad and iPhone models which adhere to CDC’s equipment standards can be used for testing.
  4. The app shall meet all Apple App Store Submission requirements and utilize Apple’s current iPhone and iPad front facing and rear facing camera technology. No additional cameras should be required to use this app.
  5. Data collection, storage, and analysis shall be performed locally on the device.
  6. The CDC shall have full copyright and ownership of the app and all coding…

Read more here.



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