Monday, March 17, 2025

HHS IHS seeking Director, Division of Acquisition Policy


This position is in the Division of Acquisition Policy (DAP), Office of Management Services (OMS). The incumbent in this position serves as the Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) with oversight of the acquisition management activities within the Indian Health Service. The incumbent in this position reports to the Director, OMS.


  • Contracting Operations: Plan and direct the Division of Acquisition Policy’s activities to ensure the Agency’s acquisition management practices and activities comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Establish national policies and procedures to accomplish Agency’s acquisition program goals and objectives.
  • Serve as Agency Representative: Establish and maintains effective working relationships with the Agency’s Directors, the Agency’s Area Chief Contracting Officers (CCO), the Office of the Secretary (OS), the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR), and other operating divisions within the DHHS, other Federal agencies (e.g., Department of the Interior, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Commerce, Department of Defense), Indian tribal governments, tribal organizations, State and local governments, and educational institutions.
  • Serve as an Advisor to Agency Procurement Activities: Provide expertise and assistance to the Agency’s Office Directors, Area Directors, and other key staff. Provide comprehensive planning and direction for procurement operations. Establish metrics for Agency’s acquisition operations at Headquarters and Area levels to assess efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with regulatory procedures.

Read the full job description here.



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