Sunday, December 29, 2024

GovCIO: Practical Approaches to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Federal Technology

A top priority for the CMS is health equity. CMS Executive Director of the Digital Service Andrea Fletcher said the agency is using data collection to ensure that everyone can attain the greatest level of health regardless of gender, language or location, or mental and physical abilities.

“The color of your skin and where you live can determine greatly whether or not you have great outcomes in things like giving birth. Millions of babies are born every year in this country, and we still have a lot of work to do in ensuring that women are treated equally and fairly in that process,” Fletcher said at the event…

The FDA has been undergoing a number of modernization initiatives with a series of action plans it has released over the past year. Now it is trying to develop new one in order to create a diverse and dynamic pipeline of leaders for digital transformation projects. Jessica Berrellez, executive officer at the FDA’s Office of Digital Transformation, highlighted the agency’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Action Plan.

Berrellez said even though the agency is in the early implementation stages, it views diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility as a critical component to its workforce and leadership development…

The Department of Veterans Affairs endeavored to tackle discrepancies around pronouns after veterans in the LGBTQ plus community felt uncomfortable at times because there were no cues that VA was a safe place to share that information.

Nicole Gilbride, chief strategy officer in VA’s Office of Information and Technology, helped stand up the Personal Pronoun Project, a new policy that included getting pronoun designators created in signature blocks and directories… Read the full article here.



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