Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Federal News Network: Will in-depth industry input stave off protests for GSA’s OASIS+ contract?

The General Services Administration is weeks away from releasing the solicitation for the next great multiple award contract, OASIS+…

Tiffany Hixson, the assistant commissioner for the Office of Professional Services and Human Capital Categories in the GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, said the final RFP will reflect the last two years of work to get OASIS+ in the best place possible.

“Given the amount of feedback that we got, it took us most of January and February to process that and so then we issued a second draft RFP on March 6. And the intent of that draft really was to say, ‘this is what we heard, here are the things that changed, here’s why we changed them based on feedback that we had received from an industry,’” Hixson said in an interview with Federal News Network. “We did host an industry day on March 15 to walk all of the offerors through what was in the second draft and what we’re trying to accomplish through some of the strategy changes. We had about 2,700 attendees at that event, which was really spectacular. We’re still getting feedback from industry on that second draft and we are crossing our T’s dotting our I’s, getting these last minute changes into the final RFP so we can get ready to release it.” … Read the full article here.


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