VA RFQ: Suicide Prevention Software


Notice ID: 36C249-23-AP-0738


VINS 9, Midsouth Healthcare Network requires a suicide prevention support tool (SPM) throughout VISN 9 medical centers (Lexington VAMC, Robley Rex VAMC, Memphis VAMC, James H. Quillen VAMC, and Tennessee Valley Healthcare Network) used for real-time surveillance, alerting, documentation, and reporting that is already approved for use within the VA Network. To accomplish this, the software will need to i) integrate with each facility’s electronic health records (EHR) system; ii) be able to pull information in real time; and iii) help the VA medical centers in VISN 9 achieve methodical compliance with the administrative and clinical business rules pertaining to veterans at high risk for suicide and those receiving mental health services. The software should also enable each VISN 9 facility to monitor, in real time, its performance with respect to key business rules and the VHA performance measures that map to suicide prevention. SPM must meet the following requirements:

  1. Data visualization, standardized workflows.
  2. Analytical utilities that monitor processes, performances, and outcomes in real-time.
  3. Monitors patient activities and engagement in care (appointment scheduling, no shows and cancellations, no show follow up outreach, hospital admissions / discharges, etc.)
  4. Computer “web based” solution to eliminate paper forms
  5. Integrated with VISTA and CPRS
  6. Displays and updates consult information in real time
  7. Applicable Conditions

Read more here.


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