FCW: National cyber strategy faces major implementation challenges, experts say

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Cybersecurity experts told FCW the strategy is long overdue and praised the administration’s focus on shifting liability to software vendors for vulnerabilities found within their products. But some said the 35-page document lacked critical components that could hamper its successful implementation, namely the necessary funding, resources and talent necessary to effectively secure U.S. interests in cyberspace.

“I expect the greatest challenges will be funding for implementation, workforce and cross collaboration requirements,” said James Hayes, senior vice president of global government affairs at Tenable Cybersecurity…

Even if the president is granted significant additional funding for cybersecurity across the federal government in 2024, agencies still face major challenges hiring the necessary staff to implement the sweeping new policies.

There are currently 755,743 combined public and private sector cyber job openings in the U.S., according to Cyberseek, a project backed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Of those figures, there are more than 45,000 job openings in the public sector for sought after talent. Common sore spots in the arena include a lack of good data on the cyber workforce, limited onramps into the field and retention issues for workers once they are on the job… Read the full article here.


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