VA RFP: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Paper to Electronic (P2E) (EDIP2E) Services


Notice ID: 36C10G23R0004


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Office of Integrated Veteran Care (IVC), formerly Office of Community Care (OCC), utilizes a Healthcare Clearinghouse (HCCH) to provide connectivity with community providers to support the payment for services provided to Veterans and Veteran Families via incoming and outgoing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Paper to Electronic (P2E) transaction services. VHA IVC accepts both paper and electronic submissions for healthcare claims and for supporting documentation.

VHA IVC has initiated multiple projects to increase the volume and overall percentage of electronic transactions versus paper or other manual transactions to comply with legislation and to facilitate administrative simplification. VHA IVC employs a HCCH to communicate incoming and outgoing EDI transactions to the over one million medical and dental providers throughout the United States and US Territories. EDI transactions consist of batch and real-time transfers of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ASC X12N 5010 transactions. VHA IVC also supports several hosted real-time EDI transactions.

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