CDC RFQ: Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey for Healthcare Professionals study


Notice ID: 75D301-23-Q-75898
Related Notice: HHS-CDC-NIOSH(DM)-SBSS-23-71471


The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the mental health and injury risks for all essential workers. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has compounded both burdens among essential workers who provide healthcare support in residences, nursing homes and healthcare institutions. Nursing aides, psychiatric aides and home health aides who comprise healthcare support occupations have had to continue to work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Many may not have health insurance or government-based coverage through a partner nor consistent income due to the non-standard work arrangements typical of their occupation.

The primary goal of this contract is to compensate survey respondents for participating in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey for Healthcare Professionals study. The primary purpose of this contract is to work with an automatic payment platform, to compensate survey respondents completing a REDCap survey with a $15 gift card of their choosing. The vendor will provide an electronic platform in which NIOSH study personnel will embed an electronic link into REDCap at the end of the survey where respondents can claim a $15 gift card through email or text. The platform will generate and maintain a log of all disbursed gift cards.

The vendor will be expected to provide access to the payment platform within 7 days of award. The vendor will be responsible for maintaining participant names and email/text contacts in a secure location.

Read more here.


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