Federal Chief Information Officer Clare Martorana told House lawmakers today that she envisions promising payoffs over the next year from Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) investments spurred by Congress’s $1 billion cash infusion into the fund last year.
At a House Government Operations Subcommittee hearing that covered a wide range of Federal IT issues, Martorana also sparred with Ranking Member Jody Hice, R-Ga., over the status of agency-level cybersecurity data that was a subject of contention at the subcommittee’s FITARA Scorecard hearing in July…
“Why should we believe that the TMF has become nothing more than a slush fund,” he [Rep. Hice] asked.
Martorana responded that the fund has always required agencies to repay awards, and said that a relaxation of that requirement to make full repayment reflects the emergency nature of the American Rescue Plan Act that gave the TMF $1 billion of new money last year… Read the full article here.