Tuesday, November 12, 2024

VA RFQ: PTSD Article Management Database

Notice ID: 36C24122Q0616

“The publishing team for the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (NCPTSD) website uses a content management system (Moveable Type) to stage publication and serve as a backup to VA’s Electronic Content Management System (Teamsite). NCPTSD needs a database to track web article revisions and content development. The database will not be used for any aspects of the NCPTSD website publishing process.”

“The NCPTSD expects to hire a contractor to create a Microsoft Access Database to assist the NCPTSD team in tracking web article creation, when content is edited, scheduling requirements, and document web page reviews. For reference here is the NCPTSD website: https://www.ptsd.va.gov.”

“The delivered database for this task order will be:

  • Developed in Microsoft Access
  • Capable of tracking milestones and iterative files (or file locations) for updates to existing content
  • Capable of tracking progress of new content development
  • Provide fields for cataloguing metadata (e.g., URL location, subjects, keywords, date of last revision, etc.) for each web article on the NCPTSD site
  • Capable of producing reports about current status of web article revision and development (e.g., list of articles in-process of revision, list of articles completed in past quarter, list of articles in need of annual revision, etc.)
  • Capable of producing reports of content development and editing by specific authors (or subject matter experts)
  • Capable of capturing Subject Matter Expert information
  • Contain customized forms to add and edit information on articles and SME’s”

“The deliverables for this task order include:

  • The article management database, populated with current content on the site and relevant metadata
  • A codebook that lists all fields (both variable labels and form field labels) included in the database as well as descriptions
  • Training for the web content management team, including at least 16 hours of consultation for initial work putting the database into practice and training on generating/amending forms and reports
  • Instruction and Troubleshooting manual
  • Ongoing consultation and troubleshooting for the remainder of the year post delivery of complete database
  • Report and data entry template development
  • Database with estimated 40-50 at the start and a potential for up to 100 fields by contract completion, 20 custom reports, up to 20 queries, and as many forms and tables as necessary to create a fluid user experience and optimize data analytics.
  • Data import/entry for NCPTSD’s ~1,000 current articles”

Read more here.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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