Notice ID: 36C10X22R0033
“Brief Description of Supplies: The requested service is to provide follow-on, healthcare-specific program management and technical assistance for the GEC Veteran-Directed Care (VDC) Program, a VHA national initiative that involves federal, state, and local agency partnerships. Services shall include program expansion support services, readiness reviews of state and local veteran-directed care resources, technical support for program stand-up, and the development and delivery of program-specific, standardized training. In addition, this requirement is intended to provide contract support to develop and design implementation efforts, based on expertise in system redesign and institutional knowledge of the Caregiver Support Program (CSP) as well as VHA operations for both the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) and the Program of General Caregiver Support Services (PGCSS). This may include implementing specific clinical practices, assessment strategies, support interventions, and implementation of various aspects related to the multiple benefits provided under PGCSS and PCAFC.”
“Reason for Sole Source: This activity proposes to negotiate a non-competitive award (sole-source) with The Lewin Group, Inc., an “other than small business,” for the procurement of program management and technical assistance for a period of one 4-month base year and One 12-month option years.”