Notice ID: 63858
The project objective is to support compliance with the CDC policy on Public Health Research and Non-research Data Management and Access. Specific tasks to be performed will enable the management and facilitation of public access to DGHT funded public health data. The release of this data shall be in alignment with security requirements and will be timely, in a nonproprietary format, and in accordance with quality data standards. This must be accomplished while balancing associated costs and administrative burden, applicable restrictions (legal, proprietary, or confidential information, security) and discoverability (knowledge of data availability).
The scope of work covers support to the DGHT’s compliance with the CDC policy on Public Health Research and Non-research Data Management and Access. The Contractor will provide data curation support for data sets of varying complexity and size identified by DGHT and previously collected by DGHT staff and/or externally through cooperative agreements with foreign governments, international NGOs, universities, researchers, and civil society organizations.
Provide technical assistance and, with Government approval, support to investigators with data sets already collected to assist in preparing their data for archiving.
Ensure that archived data are discoverable and, in part by devising an implementing strategy to ensure HIV research fields are aware.
Provide technical assistance to investigators at the inception of research projects determined by the COR to be a high priority to datasets…