Thursday, January 16, 2025

DHA RFI: Pharmacy Data Warehouse

Notice ID: HT940222RFI0128


The Department of Defense (DoD) DHA is responsible for development and implementation of a pharmacy data warehouse (PDW), resulting in a cost efficient, integrated patient drug profile for the protection and welfare of the Department of Defense Beneficiary population. The PDW serves as a comprehensive, historical and central database for prescription medications dispensed to TRICARE beneficiaries. It contains detailed data for every transaction for all Military Health System (MHS) points of service, including Military Treatment Facilities, TRICARE Retail Pharmacies, TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacies, and Overseas Theaters of Operation. The PDW provides historical data enabling the DoD to manage and enhance the TRICARE pharmacy benefit program. The PDW utilizes commercial best practices and industry standards for data exchanges with DoD systems and industry partners.”

“It is DHA’s objective to establish, maintain, operate, and sustain hardware and software components for a PDW containing pharmacy historical records and transactions that support the management and execution of the DoD pharmacy benefit. Services required include the establishment, operations, maintenance, and support of a DoD centralized data repository that records information about prescriptions filled worldwide for DoD beneficiaries as well as other pharmaceutical data services within the MHS. The PDW is a service utilizing contractor owned and contractor operated service. DHA currently has a contract in place for the PDW…”

“Pharmacy Data Warehouse:

The PDW contractor shall develop and maintain a PDW, which retains and preserves all PDW transactions and historical data. The PDW contractor shall provide a PDW capable of receiving all transaction information transmitted by the TPharm contractor, which includes receiving new and updated data-feed transmissions by the TPharm contractor.”

“The PDW shall, at a minimum, meet the following specification:

  • Scalable and capable of receiving, storing and updating TPharm data. Approximately 19 million records a month;
  • Capable of storing historical pharmacy data. Currently over 2 Billion records are in the PDW which require approximately three terabytes of data storage capacity per instance of the PDW;
  • All historical data shall be available on-line and accessible by authorized DoD users;
  • Capable of storing and updating the DHA Pharmacy Operations Division (POD) defined drug classification, i.e. Uniform Formulary (UF);
  • Configurable to allow the Government to specify which data elements are available for queries and reporting capabilities;
  • Shall be built on a SQL database, allowing the interaction between the user and the database to be non-procedural and non-proprietary;
  • The database shall be designed to report metrics and data facts across multiple dimensions…”

Read more here.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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