Award Number: 36C10X21C0073
SDVOSB Magnum Opus has been awarded a one-year, $1.7M Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contract. The contract was awarded as a SDVOSB sole-source set-aside action.
“The contractor shall develop a hybrid strategy: one-part localization and one-part centralization to maximize impact. The Contractor shall partner with the VSO, MSO, and post-9/11 communities at the local level across the country and at the national level in Washington, DC to engage these groups in new meaningful and authentic ways. They shall all provide program support for fellowships and Innovators network opportunities that provide rural veterans with better access to healthcare and health outcomes in an innovative capacity…”
Awardee Name: MAGNUM OPUS
Contract Duration: 12 months
Total Contract Value: $1,682,675.90
Number of Bidders: 1
Award ID: 36C10X21C0073