Notice ID: 36C25922Q0025
“Background: The Patient Flow Center (PFC) at Rocky Mountain Regional (RMR), VA Medical Center, has requested the purchase of software that will allow access to the Medicare and Medicaid portals in order to verify Veteran’s benefits and confirm a payer source when Veterans are being placed in a community nursing facility. The inability of VA Case Managers to verify Veteran’s government funded insurance causes significant delays in moving the Veteran to the appropriate level of care…”
“Objective: For inpatient Veterans at RMR who do not qualify or choose not to use the VA funded community nursing facility options, it is critical that the inpatient Case Managers at RMR have access to the Medicare and Medicaid portals in order to secure community skilled nursing facility placements in a timely manner. Veterans referred to community nursing facilities will not be considered for acceptance without a payer source.”
“Scope of Work: Software Must Be Able To:
- Confirm identity and eligibility verification
- Provide on-line, multiple payer source verification within two clicks and on one site
- Have multiple search options that do not solely rely on the Veteran having their insurance card or remembering their ID number
- Have rapid response confirming or denying eligibility
- Have standard display information for multiple payer sources for ease of information location
- Detail any patient responsibility that can easily be communicated to Veteran/Caregiver
- Have the ability to customize view in order to meet the needs of our patient population and end users
- Include on-line, on-demand training that can be utilized for current and future employees…”