Notice ID: 36C10B21Q0511
Contract Award Number: NNG15SD34B36C10B22F0012
Based on the market research, as described in section 8 of this justification, it has been determined that competition is available among resellers of the required Laurel Bridge software maintenance on the NASA SEWP V GWAC. VA utilizes Laurel Bridge DCF software to develop VistA imaging applications for all VHA facilities. VA anticipates use of this software for at least the next three years. The maintenance of the existing software is critical in ensuring that the DICOM application is operational and accessible with minimal interruption of services so VA can route images within 146 Vista Imaging sites. To maintain the existing Laurel Bridge software, a source must have access to its proprietary source code to provide the required support, configuration, and software updates. No other source has the capability of developing and issuing software updates due to the proprietary nature of the source code. In addition, any other source would need access to this code to ensure all services provided are properly configured. Therefore, only Laurel Bridge, or its resellers, are capable of providing the required maintenance support services for the currently fielded software. The use of any other maintenance provider would necessitate the complete replacement of the existing Laurel Bridge infrastructure in place. This replacement would also include a redesign effort necessary for any alternative software to interface with Vista. This replacement effort is estimated to cost approximately $1.2M for the first year and take 12 months to complete after which maintenance of the alternative software would need to be procured.