Wednesday, January 15, 2025

How Data-Driven Cultures like VA and HHS Are Supporting Federal Innovation

“Since the 2018 bill requiring agency data to be accessible, the departments of Health and Human Services and Veterans Affairs and the National Science Foundation are emphasizing how a data-driven workforce is support these efforts…”

“HHS’ Administration for Children and Families recently published its first agency-wide research and evaluation plan, as well as the framework and procedures for data governance, noted Naomi Goldstein, deputy assistant secretary for planning, research, and evaluation in the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) at the agency. ACF also conducts assessments of data and evidence capacity and is fostering new inter-agency relationships.

‘We worked, for example, to build logic models and better align data with those logic models,’ Goldstein said…”

“Kshemendra Paul, chief data officer at VA, said the agency is improving the ways it uses data to drive positive change in its veteran programs, like the Electronic Health Record Modernization program and the Million Veteran Program. The program has collected voluntary information from veterans to analyze genetic data and compare it to socioeconomic data to better inform research and innovation…”

“VA is building a cross-cutting, data-driven environment to support larger modernization efforts, like EHR modernization. The agency is partnering with the Defense Department to boost data interoperability and create a seamless flow of information for individuals transitioning from service member to veteran. As VA works to enable this transition, the agency will focus on mitigating complexities and ensuring data is reliable to support operations…”

“’I would really like to see a culture of data and a culture of evidence across my agency and across the government,’ Goldstein said. ‘It certainly exists to some extent, but I would really like to see use of data and questions about data across the decision-making, policymaking and implementation functions of government. That requires data skills among staff as well as really persistent attention to data by agency leadership.’…” Read the full article here.

Source: How Data-Driven Cultures Are Supporting Federal Innovation – By Sarah Sybert, October 4, 2021. GovernmentCIO.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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