Wednesday, January 15, 2025

GovernmentCIO: NIH is Accelerating At-Home COVID-19 Testing to Improve Data Insights

“The National Institutes of Health is expanding digital integration of  COVID-19 testing by building upon existing initiatives, like its Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Program and at-home testing programs, to improve interoperability, data insights and patient outcomes.”

“’The concept is that all of these different types of health records will be able to reside in a personal health record, and with the individual’s permission, to allow that person to relay that information… so there’s an accurate record of who’s testing and what those results may be,’ Dr. Krishna Juluru, presidential innovation fellow (PIF) at NIH, said during ONC’s Tech Forum.”

“RADx is a federal initiative, led by NIH, to help expand the number of tests and types of tests available during the COVID-19 pandemic. RADx created programs that will make it possible to rapidly scale-up testing across the country and enhance access to those most in need. Newer  technologies offer patient and user-friendly designs that work with cellphones to lower cost and increase accessibility both at home and at the point of care.”

“As part of its at-home COVID-19 testing initiative, NIH developed a mobile device, which allows individuals to be given instructions on how to take a COVID-19 test, capture test results and provide symptom surveys. The agency is enabling a variety of other mechanisms for capturing various forms of health data, which can then be added into state and federal health systems.”

“NIH is developing standards-based communications and centralized data systems to reduce barriers for test manufacturers and app developers in  reporting test results. Juluru explained that the agency wants standardized mechanisms to drive greater consistency with taking the test, reporting results, and then having that data seamlessly flow from the server to its destination…”  Read the full article here.

Source: NIH is Accelerating At-Home COVID-19 Testing to Improve Data Insights – By Sarah Sybert, September 15, 2021. GovernmentCIO.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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