“The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – which has already made much use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to provide more efficient, effective, and responsive services for its users – is also working on an AI trustworthiness framework that aims to avoid biases that can result from use of the technology, explained a VA official during a virtual GovLoop training on August 12.”
“The ethics of AI illustrate the right and wrong behaviors concerning the humans and the machines involved in AI, and the way an agency approaches AI ethics could have a profound impact on outcomes from the technology. The VA has planned its AI ethics framework around a December 2020 Executive Order on promoting the use of trustworthy AI in the Federal government.”
“’Trustworthy AI when it’s implemented is ethical. It also removes potential biases, protects privacy, and allows for increased adoption of artificial intelligence,’ said Gil Alterovitz, director of the VA’s National Artificial Intelligence Institute (NAII).”
“In government sphere, avoiding biases must be a top priority. Agencies that do not consider how weighted their products or services are towards specific outcomes may unfairly impact particular parts of the communities they serve. With that in mind, Alterovitz urged agencies to carefully design AI models so that prejudices do not creep into the tools’ final output…” Read the full article here.
Source: VA Official Charts Progress on AI Trustworthy Framework – By Lisbeth Perez, August 13, 2021. MeriTalk.