Friday, January 10, 2025

GovernmentCIO: HHS Developing Playbook to Overcome Artificial Intelligence Adoption Challenges

“The Department of Health and Human Services is developing an artificial intelligence playbook to help teams overcome common obstacles and challenges that come with implementing AI technologies.”

“HHS Chief AI Officer Oki Mek discussed the playbook and how it plays into his overall priority of making AI a collaboratively cultivated technology at the agency during a NextGov event July 29. He said that one of the elements that he hopes to include in the playbook is to help with barriers to data acquisition, which he added is especially difficult within HHS.”

“’Having a playbook could really help in terms of, what are the obstacles that you will encounter when you go on this AI, machine learning journey, because the two biggest obstacles are really the data acquisition, getting the data, especially with Health and Human Services because health records and data are very heavily regulated, so data acquisition will be tough,’ Mek said. ‘We could help provide some guidance and some lessons learned, some best practices around that.'”

“Mek added that the playbook could also provide some guidance around cleaning data, since cleaning and processing data is a big component of getting it ready for AI usage.”

“The playbook will also provide definitions around AI, which Mek argued is a broad term that can have different meanings and applications…”

“Other features of the playbook include guidelines for navigating various privacy laws, such as HIPAA, and IT security policies, Mek said. He added that he’s also trying to develop a capability maturity model to help measure success and progress with AI tools…”

“Even though Mek is leading the efforts behind the AI strategies and guidance at HHS, he said that his main goal is to create a collaborative environment around AI — not just within his agency but across the federal government…” Read the full article here.

Source: HHS Developing Playbook to Overcome Artificial Intelligence Adoption Challenges – By Melissa Harris, August 2, 2021. GovernmentCIO.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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