Monday, January 13, 2025

FDA RFQ: Comfort Zone Ergonomic Reporting Software (Brand Name or Equal)

Notice ID: FDA-RFQ-21-1243788

“At the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Center for Employee Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) provides a comprehensive ergonomics program with focus on a proactive approach to increase productivity, through the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders MSD’s, while reducing the Agency’s liability for worker’s compensation related costs. ESOH has embarked on an enterprise wide modernization of the current ergonomics program processes and support methodologies. The current awarded ergonomic contract has software requirements that that government will furnish the software allowing the ergonomist to meet the deliverable. FDA’s Ergonomics program mission is to minimize or eliminate the potential harm to employees caused by repetitive motions. Each ergonomic assessment provides FDA workers with education on both posture and behavior awareness. The purpose of this order is to obtain Comfort Zone commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) ergonomic reporting software, brand name or equal, and install it behind FDA’s firewall using FDA’s cloud environment.”


Software License The Contractor shall provide up to 1000 licenses of Comfort Zone Ergonomic Reporting Software, Brand Name or Equal, that meets the following salient characteristics:

  • If required by FDA IT, software code must be modified as instructed by FDA OIMT and in accordance with NIST 800-53 standards to ensure compatibility and acceptance behind FDA firewall and into FDA cloud environment.
  • Address any FDA security customization, as needed.
  • Ergonomic recommendations included in the quoted software shall be configured and created by licensed ergonomists.
  • Direct Access to service provider/vendor for any software corrections.
  • The software must provide ergonomic reports that include customizable data inputs (e.g. ergonomic evaluation inputs, equipment, and ergonomic report outputs). FDA-RFQ-21-1243788 2
  • Must have an Administrator and user interface.
  • Must be a self-service, cloud-based ergonomic reporting software solution.
  • Software should have the capability to identify correctable conditions to reduce or eliminate the performance gap and associated health risks such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and environment factors.
  • Ergonomic reports must be able to be downloaded to a local drive for future consumption.
  • The ergonomic software shall have an evaluation tool that provides a systematic approach to help an ergonomist objectively and effectively perform an ergonomic assessment.
  • Target State Diagram (TSD) shall include a) Instance Type: DB.M4.Large; b) Storage Type: GP2.
  • Operating System: Windows…”

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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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