Sunday, March 16, 2025

DHA intends to award contract for Applied Research in Novel Applications of Frameworks Leveraging the Nascent Single Federal Electronic Health Record (EHR)

“The Defense Health Agency (DHA) – Contracting Division – Defense Healthcare Management Systems (CD-DHMS), in support of the Program Executive Office for Defense Healthcare Management Systems (PEO DHMS) Enterprise Intelligence Data Solutions (EIDS) and the Federal Electronic Health Record Modernization (FEHRM) Program Office, intends to issue a sole source order under Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) IDIQ vehicle, TIRNO-99-D-00005, under an approved Non-Sponsor Agreement with the Department of Treasury, with The MITRE Corporation of McLean, VA, for all elements of the solution required to maximize the long-term prospects of leveraging the new paradigm to turn data into the information/intelligence that can support the operation of the Agencies’ medical businesses and the provision of excellent care…”

“The primary mission of FEHRM is to ensure a single, common electronic health record (EHR) that enhances patient care and provider effectiveness, wherever care is provided. To achieve this mission requires an understanding of the current state, short, and long-term plans of the DoD, VA, and others that need access to the medical data as well as how the EHR software is expected to evolve.

The FEHRM is achieving its mission by:

  • Actively managing risks and the operation of the joint Federal Data Center, where all federal health data resides.
  • Minimizing risk to EHR deployment and implementation.
  • Identifying opportunities for efficiency, standardization, and system and process optimization.
  • Advancing interoperability across the federal and private sectors

One of the Programs under PEO DHMS, the Enterprise Intelligence and Data Solutions (EIDS) program office supports the strategic goals of the MHS and facilitates informed decision-making through the delivery of robust information services and data in a timely, relevant and actionable manner. The Enterprise Intelligence and Data Solutions (EIDS) program office oversees a number of program activities to bring together data, information technology and data science, delivering analytics-driven insights for customers…”

“The MITRE FFRDC has had widespread and substantial involvement with the DoD and VA, as they have developed, acquired, and fielded health systems, and enabled the exchange of health data between the two Departments and private sector healthcare providers.

The DoD/VA Interagency Program Office (IPO) was established so that both Departments could develop, together, an electronic health record system (iEHR) to be used by both Departments to promote interoperability of health data and services.  The iEHR initiative, while noble, did not take into account the functional, technical, social, and political issues that surrounded the effort, and ultimately failed as a result.

MITRE, as support to the IPO and both Departments, experienced first-hand the challenges of embarking on a technical and programmatic effort without the correct socio-technical framework and enforcement mechanisms in place, as well as a clear functional and technical design, security  requirements for PII and PHI, impacts of joint workflows,  challenges of  the ecosystem for hosting a centralized capability, data sources and services, networking and cyber challenges, and the impacts of coexistence with the legacy infrastructure for a finite period of time during the deployment across the DoD and VA enterprise.

When the iEHR initiative was sunset, MITRE continued to support the Departments’ separate EHR efforts, as well as their joint data sharing efforts with systems such as the Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV)…”

“MITRE, having been directly involved in the evolution of the DoD and VA EHR project, fills a unique role in the identification of stakeholders and the application of IT to the health sector.  MITRE has a detailed understanding of scientific, technical, and process issues, as well as its broad and specialized working knowledge of the underlying science, technologies, and test/evaluation methodologies.

MITRE has access to information, data bases and networks, including data regarding planning for future enhancements and acquisitions and proprietary data from industry that requires the FFRDC to retain its conflict-free regime and trusted relationship with industry to ensure continuous free flow of information. MITRE’s previous involvement, experience and comprehensive knowledge of the needs and problems of the DoD and VA medical community, in order to truly provide unbiased systems engineering and assessment recommendations that will benefit the users of the system.

MITRE has been critically instrumental in the development of plans and the rapid implementation strategy of migration of the MHS Information Platform from on premise environments into the AWS-Gov Cloud. MITRE has not only proven competence in migration, but corporately they have an understanding of mission, governance process, environment, tools, and technologies critical to the rapid execution of these requirements…”

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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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