Tuesday, January 14, 2025

CDC RFQ: National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) Development & Maintenance

RFQ Number: RFQ1512620

“To meet DVS’ identified goals associated with the NVSS and the NDI, the Contractor shall provide systems maintenance for NVSS, VIEWS, Surveillance system, and other maintenance and support. The Contractor shall also provide systems development related to FHIR standards, transactional quality control, application program interfaces, integration of other datasets into NVSS such as coded I&O data and Medicaid datasets, and NCHS DVS development projects identified by the DVS Change Management Board, and project management support to ensure successful performance of this Task Order.”

“The Contractor shall complete the following tasks:

Task #1 – Systems Maintenance

Sub-Task #1.1 – Data Analysis Cubes (Base Year and All Option Years)

  1. Maintain and support various analytical cubes to assist the research and analysis work associated with births and deaths.
  2. Standardize the process for carrying out data refresh and make it efficient for large updates of data.  This will reduce the amount of time to refresh data cubes and allow the analysts to review data in the cubes within 6 to 8 hours of data refresh initiation.
  3. The Contractor shall assist in the maintenance of the data cubes and related software  components . The cubes are developed  using SQL Server Analytical Services.

Sub-Task #1.2- NVSS Historic Data Maintenance (Base Year and All Option Years)

NVSS is the flagship system for vital records that is used by all staff working with vital statistics data. It is a web-based system that hosts birth, death and fetal death data; processes these data; provides a myriad of reports for staff and jurisdiction consumption; allows data cleansing and editing; and makes…”

“Task #2 – Systems Development

Sub-Task #2.1 – IT Development Projects (Base Year and All Option Years)

The Contractor shall complete the following systems design and development activities:

  • Surveillance system reporting / external facing data visualization / web design
  • Geocoding-based datasets and reports
  • Development of Application Program Interfaces (for interoperability with STEVE and/or directly with states)
  • Support for Industry and Occupation coding and reports and integrate I&O into the mortality system for analysis, data release and publications
  • Capture VIEWS certificate information to check adaptation of VIEWS results and its effectiveness
  • Develop and integrate FHIR standards-based communications and data transfer into the NVSS processes for mortality data based on  HL7 V2.6, CDA and FHIR standards for death records
  • Develop and integrate FHIR standards-based communications and data transfer into the NVSS processes for natality and fetal death data based on  HL7 V2.6, CDA and FHIR standards for birth and fetal death record…”



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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