RFQ ID: RFQ1491973
“OAE has used an audit management software platform for over 15 years. However, the life cycle of the current software ends in 2023. OAE requires a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution to replace their current software that will be used to document and manage their audit and review projects.”
“OAE is seeking services to perform the appropriate installation and configuration support of the new COTS solution. Additionally, OAE is seeking services to train OAE users to prepare them in the use of all aspects of the solution.”
- Dashboards
- General Database Dashboards
The configured software solution shall have:
- Dashboards that are customizable by the user.
- Dashboards that summarize project universe information. For example, a dashboard that would summarize information from all projects within a given timeframe or project status based on milestones or phases (planning, fieldwork, reporting etc.), finding details such as monetary impact and recommendation tracking including number of recommendations made, whether client concurred or non-concurred with recommendations, and status of recommendations.
Distinct Projects
- Permissions, Attributes, and Schedule
The configured software solution shall have:
- Self-contained projects with unique permissions and roles. Role based permissions determine access and type/level of access to the projects.
- Unique project number for each project.
- Ability to record planned, multiple iterations of revised and actual milestones for each project to establish and track a schedule baseline.
Project Browser
The configured software solution shall have:
- Ability for users to see, access and filter projects by project information. Project information includes title, project number, status of the project and standard milestones.
- Allow the user to use various search terms to find and access a project (Project Title/Project Number).
System Configurability and Centralized Management
The configured software solution shall have:
- User-friendly, intuitive, graphical interface following industry standard best practices allowing users to easily navigate the software after training.
- Ability to create multiple project type specific project templates to ensure new projects include all required information, based on their type.
- Ability to revise project templates.
- Ability to create new audit projects…
Audit Documentation/Work
The configured software solution shall have:
- Ability to configure the logical numbering/nomenclature system for audit documentation to a desired format. For example, working papers are numbered starting with A.1.PRG, attachments in that folder start with A.1.1.
- Ability to document audit work based on the elements of a workpaper to include title, purpose, source, scope, discussion, and conclusion…
Electronic Linking
The configured software solution shall have:
- Ability to link from workpaper to workpaper and/or from Microsoft Word, Excel, JPG, and PDF files to workpaper.
- Ability to conduct cross-indexing/cross-referencing. This functionality shall include the ability to link a statement in a Microsoft Word document to a specific point in any attachment, workpaper, schedule, or procedure or program step regardless of whether the document was created within the framework of the audit management software.
- Ability to document findings/recommendations directly in the database/software and link them to supporting audit documentation including workpapers and other documents…
Findings and Recommendations
Flexible documentation processes for findings
The configured software solution shall have:
- Ability to create and document multiple findings per project based on audit work.
- Ability to create multiple recommendations per finding.
- Ability to create custom fields for findings (such as condition, criteria, cause, effect, and multiple fields for monetary impact) to support tracking and reporting requirements…