RFQ ID: RFQ1490840
“Task 1: Address Data User’s capabilities for data analysis and collaboration
Data users access various data warehouses and data stores to obtain the data they need for their analysis. Some of the data users favor the use of the current BIA Workspace, as they are able to use their own Integrated Development Environment (IDE)and code to perform complex data analysis. The contractor shall:
- Evaluate and identify new AWS features that can ease the data access for users
- Develop an implementation plan for the new features
- Prioritize the highest value feature and deliver MVP for data users”
“Task 2: Analysis of the current BIA AWS Workspace set up, and identify ways to enhance operational efficiencies
- Conduct an assessment of the current components, processes, and workflows of the BIA AWS workspace
- Provide recommendation on how to improve the operational efficiencies such as
- Usage monitoring
- Provision process
- Cost monitoring
- User engagement”
“Task 3: Research and identify opportunities to leverage AWS Workspace and other AWS features for data distribution
- Conduct an assessment of the current components, processes, and workflows for data distribution
- Provide recommendation on the features available for data distribution
- Provide an implementation plan for data distribution”
“Task 4: Finalize ADO containerization of Data Integration Platform, so it will be fully implemented for an ADO to onboard.
- Build standard docker image
- Access to application code
- CI/CD pipeline
- The MVP feature is implemented in accordance to the CMS standards.
- The implementation plan and process are documented…”