Tuesday, January 7, 2025

CDC to Award Phase II Contract for Advancing Analytics Regarding Opioid Epidemic

Notice ID: 00HCUHGC-2021-55106

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention intends to award a sole source firm fixed price purchase order to University of Pittsburgh for services pertaining to Advancing Analytics Using Simulation Modeling to Improve Actionable Changes in the Opioid Overdose Epidemic – Phase II. University of Pittsburgh conducted Phase I of this project under a prior procurement. Under Phase I, University of Pittsburgh developed and implemented a modeling tool that will carry over into work to be performed under Phase II, thus making them best-suited to perform ongoing work…”

“On 9/21/2018, CDC Contract 200-2018-01377 was awarded to the University of Pittsburgh for the project titled “Advancing Analytics to Improve Actionable Changes in the Opioid Overdose Epidemic.” It had a period of performance of 09/21/2018 – 09/20/2020 and an awarded amount of $1,523,153.00.”

“The objective of this contract is to move into Phase II  to enhance and maintain a comprehensive framework-based simulation modeling tool (simulator), created during 2018-2020, for CDC to understand the underlying dynamics of the opioid overdoes epidemic.  The development of the current Overdose-OUD model and the simulator in Phase I indeed benefited greatly from utilizing the existing modeling platform FRED rather than starting from scratch. FRED is owned by The University of Pittsburgh.  The current Overdose-OUD model, its calibration, and the simulator are based on multiple but still limited data sources due to the complexity and the evolving nature of overdose and OUD and overdose. In order to have a more comprehensive model of overdose and OUD and a modeling tool that can simulate additional public health interventions, CDC will benefit from improving and expanding the current model and its modeling tool, i.e. the simulator…”

“The contractor must provide an existing modeling platform that supports building and expanding an Overdose-OUD ABM to understand the dynamics of epidemics and simulating the effects of system or individual level interventions, mitigation strategies, environmental factors (such as supply of illicit opioids and emerging psychostimulants), and personal behavior. The model should be able to address the impact of polysubstance use (for example, the impact of co-using prescription or illicit stimulants on trajectories of OUD and overdose, how it would change course of effectiveness of opioid prevention interventions, etc.) With the platform, the Contractor shall build upon the current Overdose-OUD ABM model and expand it to be more detailed and flexible. The Contractor must be able to immediately conduct this task without having to build a new model of Overdose-OUD from scratch…”

“As the model is owned and managed by the University of Pittsburgh, there are no other available options. The model contains proprietary data that is not available at other sources…”

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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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