Notice ID: RFQ1481957
The goal of the ECMRS is to provide an easy method to record, file, store, and transfer client data to state DCM and human services management organizations following the end of the federal IDCM disaster, or repatriation event. An ECMRS management system will enable OHSEPR to gather, use, and report client information, and generate critical reports/metrics about service outcomes to federal and state partners. ECMRS software also helps organizations improve efficiency in day-to-day operations to include:, client intake, assessment, determining eligibility, case notes, tracking client progress, measuring outcomes, providing referrals, and more. Electronic Case Management Record Systems have the ability to export complete Case Management data, and support all modern browsers.
The acquisition requires the contractor to:
- Develop, and have the ability to access, or host and/or maintain Federal information and/or Federal information system(s)
- Access or use personally identifiable information (PII), including instances of remote access to or physical removal of such information beyond agency premises or control
- Assist the government in meeting requirements necessary for successful implementation of the software to include but not limited to completion of documents related to the Enterprise Performance Life Cycle, Authentication Threshold Analysis, Authority to Operate and Security Plan.
- Lead, assist, and complete, as necessary and directed by the government, the IT Security Certification and Accreditation for the applicable information system.
- Perform annual reviews as necessary and/or as directed by the government, to ensure seamless usability and compliance with all information security, and privacy…
The Electronic Case Management Record System is a web-based solution specifically designed to meet the requirements given by the ACF/OHSEPR for the operations of the Federal Disaster Case Management System. The solution has already been, and will continue to be, architected with the following key objectives in mind:
Centralization of Information – the software system should be able to create a centralized databank of disaster survivors and their immediate needs. The system should be accessed by intake workers, case managers and operations managers to enter, review, and gather reporting information.
Process-Oriented Workflows – the software system should be created to capitalize on workflow processes, allowing for staff members to follow the same standardized approach to data entry. These workflows should be engineered to allow for the collection of a complete data set with an eye on minimizing the time to process each survivor.
Security and Encryption – A robust security model featuring heavy encryption and anonymous client data-entry that ensures security, privacy, and confidentiality of client information. The contractor will lead and assist the government (ACF/OHSEPR) in updating and changing IT technical, security, and other related requirements and issues related to the ECMRS software.
Intake and Eligibility Determination and Workflow– The contractor will assist the government in creating an intake workflow process. The software system should automatically use the collected data to calculate and report client eligibility. The eligibility processes should be constructed to consider the complete submission of needed documentation and address (personal/work) in the area affected by the disaster. This built-in workflow should allow for the configuration of disaster-specific rules by system administrators as needed.