Wednesday, March 26, 2025

DHA Draft RFP: Workforce 3.0 – Managed Solution, Defense Healthcare Management System

Updated February 18, 2021

Notice ID: HT003821R0001B

Draft RFP #2 has been posted to the HIVE.

Read more here.

Updated December 17, 2020

Notice ID: HT003821R0001B

Draft RFP 1.75 and all associated documentation has been posted on the HIVE. Please follow the links below.

Main WF3 Page: Caution-

Verified Registration: Caution-

Anonymous Registration: Caution-

Read more here.

Updated November 4, 2020

Notice ID: HT003821R0001B

All documents concerning Workforce 3.0 are now available at the HIVE link(s). All future updates will be posted on HIVE. ALL questions and concerns are to be emailed address below.

The Health Information Vision Exchange (HIVE) is an innovative platform for matching the needs of the Federal Health sector with the capabilities of both traditional and non-traditional industry partners.

The goal of HIVE is to streamline interactions between Industry and Government in order to accelerate the adoption of transformative ideas across Federal Health agencies.

HIVE will be host to Virtual Events, News & Announcements, resource libraries, community engagement portals, and other strategic communications.

PEO DHMS plans to hold a Virtual Industry Day in mid-November. If you have recommendations on format or agenda, please share them no later than 6 NOV 2020.

Read more here.

Posted September 30, 2020

Notice ID: HT0038-21-R-0001

Defense Health Agency (DHA) PEO DHMS is seeking a managed solution that leverages innovative new processes, methods, and/or best-in-class methodologies from private sector to enable the entire PEO DHMS workforce to deliver world-class technology.  PEO DHMS is calling this managed solution Workforce 3.0.

PEO DHMS defines workforce as a self-driven, high-agency talent pool focused on actively enabling PEO DHMS to achieve its strategic vision, and those of its subordinate organizations while continuously and incrementally transforming PEO DHMS into a high-achieving technology organization that can deliver world-class technology. Workforce 3.0 will be a seamless, badgeless team working in concert to achieve the goals necessary to deliver PEO DHMS’ vision.  The workforce will include Government employees and military fulfilling inherently governmental functions, providing strategic direction, performance management, and stakeholder engagement. However, Government personnel cannot deliver all capabilities necessary to operate and transform a high-achieving technology company.

This solicitation will maximize the use of streamlined, concise context and instructions, and will leverage non-traditional digital capabilities to foster bi-lateral communication and understanding. To facilitate mutual understanding, PEO DHMS will use alternatives to written text, such as recorded video and live engagement to provide additional context and clarifications. Questions and feedback are encouraged throughout the process. The solicitation process will be iterative with multiple drafts, comment periods, and live virtual engagements. To help foster a sense of ownership in the problem space, PEO DHMS will seek to provide all information available about its organizations and “current state”, as well as its vision for the future and its goals throughout this process. Ultimately, the final solicitation will be the result of extensive collaboration between all interested parties and PEO DHMS.

PEO DHMS encourages the broadest possible participation in responding to this solicitation and will seek to establish substantial goals for socio-economic and non-traditional entity categories. PEO DHMS will conduct extensive efforts to connect all potential partners to other potential partners, such as virtual “mixer” events, and other innovative techniques.

PEO DHMS is seeking a managed solution that leverages innovative new processes, methods, and/or best-in-class methodologies from private sector to enable the entire PEO DHMS workforce to deliver world-class technology. PEO DHMS is calling this managed solution Workforce 3.0.

The Government considers a managed solution to cover the full breadth of digital workforce capabilities from technical, administrative, and organizational, across its subordinate and full partner organizations (e.g., the Federal Electronic Health Record Modernization (FERHM) office). In this manner, a managed solution:

  • Scales seamlessly and accommodates fluctuations in demand rapidly.
  • Enables one seamless workforce where an individual’s Agency or employment status does not affect the individual’s experience at work.
  • Is an actively managed “stack” of capabilities, where the burden does not fall on the Government to execute tactical actions, perform all critical thinking, or specify labor requirements.
  • Must be capable of rapid evolution as the needs of the workforce or cutting-edge technology and capabilities evolve…

Read more here.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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