Notice ID: 21-FDA-RFI-1710030
At the time of this inquiry, the IT portfolio is undergoing a comprehensive evaluation for strategic planning and transition purposes. It is likely that portions of the system may be shifted to the Cloud (in line with FDA’s Cloud Forward approach), retired, or migrated to FDA’s IT shared services support model. Until that time, full system support is required.
Additionally, support may require services beyond FDA technical capabilities or staffing levels, requiring technological capabilities and staffing support provided by the vendor on an expedited timeline and/or a temporary basis.
The purpose of the FDA’s eDiscovery Service Operations and Technology Management (ESOTM) IDIQ is to provide 1) eDiscovery case management and subject matter expertise, 2) full lifecycle operational support across all Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) stages, and 3) comprehensive management and development of IT tools and capabilities necessary for modern and defensible eDiscovery. Expertise, services and IT support are all essential for FDA to meet legal and compliance mandates outlined by courts, statute, and Congress.
The primary user of this contract is OEMS/DIG/eDiscovery in support of customers both within and outside of FDA. Constituencies include, but are not limited to, the FDA Office of Chief Counsel (OCC), Division of Freedom of Information (DFOI), Center Oversight Office and FOI staff, Office of Legislation, ORA Offices of Criminal Investigation (OCI) and Division of Information Disclosure Policy (DIDP), as well as the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Justice, Office of Special Counsel (OSC), Office of Inspector General (OIG), and Congress…
2.2.1. Provide comprehensive eDiscovery expertise, operational services, and products across the eDiscovery lifecycle.
Through this IDIQ, the Government seeks to achieve the following objectives: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION # 21-FDA-RFI-1710030
2.2.2. Provide comprehensive operations and maintenance support across the entire eDiscovery technology portfolio.
2.2.3. Provide support for IT strategic planning and transition the management of IT components, roles, and responsibilities, in whole or part, into more efficient and cost-effective models (potentially outside the scope of this contract).
2.2.4. Develop new systems and major enhancements using industry standard methodology.
2.2.5. Develop and incorporate new business processes and workflows to support current and future business needs of customers or the eDiscovery program.
2.2.6. Collaborate with IT partners to ensure necessary eDiscovery requirements for availability, data integrity, and accessibility…