Notice ID: 1236825
Contract Award Number: 47QRAA18D001P
Task/Delivery Order Number: 75F40121F80025
The Division of Budget Execution and Control (DBEC) has a need for continued No-Year Post Production Support for Phase II of the No-Year Initiative that provides a framework that enables DBEC under the Office of Budget (OB) to support the Centers/Offices in the new endeavor of obligating directly from the User Fee Accounts. Having a plan to help our organization continue essential functions under this new directive is extremely important in the support of FDA’s mission.
As stated in the current order benefits of a post-production contract include:
- Communication support for DBEC
- Ongoing assessment of the adoption of the No-Year Processes
- Dedicated support for the Centers
Dedicated support for the Office of the Commissioner
- Senior advisory support for DBEC
- Monitoring and support for DBEC
The objective of this action is to issue a sole source order to the current contractor, Deloitte Consulting, from 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 to ensure no lapse in services as the Business Transformation Team (BTT) BPA awards are being protested. This acquisition will allow continuity of critically needed services when order HHSF223201510010B/HHSF22316001 ends on 12/31/2020.
This previous requirement was solicited and competed amongst the three multiple-award Business Transformation Team (BTT) BPAs HHSF223201510010B (Deloitte Consulting), HHSF223201510011B (KPMG) and HHSF223201510012B (Guidehouse) which have now expired. This new requirement is not being competed amongst the newly awarded five BTT BPA holders as a protest was issued. The current contractor, Deloitte Consulting, is the most economical and efficient vendor with the requisite technical knowledge and unique expertise to support the immediate need for continued OFBA services until the BPA protest is resolved.
The unique quality of the contractor, Deloitte Consulting, who has been the contractor for the last five years, is their unique skills and processes they possess and helped develop for FDA. It will take time to compete the order and transition in a new contractor or train existing staff as there is less than two months before the current order expires and a competitive acquisition process is no longer feasible. Some examples of the unique qualifications held by the current contractor include possessing detailed knowledge of FDA’s Spend Plan (the Financial Operating Plan (FOP), Payroll and Operating Cost Forecast), supporting DBEC on a complex Allowance Process, CAN generation and management for Current and Prior Years’ Funds, and supporting DBEC and the CENTERs on data integrity issues. Because most of DBEC staff are relatively new, DBEC needs support to help tackle the many issues that have to be resolved on a day-to-day basis. FDA’s addition of a Working Capital Fund in 2019 has added to the complexity of DBEC’s planning, execution and control activities.
Without the execution of a sole source order to the current contractor, a disruption (i.e. a lapse) in essential services would result in decreased operational efficiency of the Agency, which would be an unacceptable outcome, since it would adversely affect the FDA’s mission. Awarding a sole source order would mitigate operational risks. The current contractor is best positioned to provide the required continued services and accomplish the immediate work activities in the most schedule and cost-efficient manner until the ongoing BTT BPA protest is complete and the stop work orders are lifted…
Deloitte was recently named to the updated list of NXT UP firms poised to make big waves in the Federal sector in 2020 and for years to come.
Contract Duration: 13 months
Total Contract Value: $2,060,580.66
Award ID: 75F40121F80025