Notice ID: 75D301-19-F-06896-00003
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of the Chief Information Officer, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30222, hereby announces its intent to issue a sole source modification to Task Order 75D301-19-F-06968 in accordance with FAR 6.302-1 to CSRA, LLC, 3170 Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042-4517 to accelerate the adoption of cloud platforms and improve CDC’s capabilities to support its public health mission.
CSRA, LLC, is CDC’s existing vendor for CDC’s cloud ecosystem and migration efforts. The environment is complex, highly customized, and highly secured by the existing vendor. Competing this new work would result in significant added costs and delays while a new vendor is acclimitized to the CDC cloud ecosystem and requirements. CSRA’s knowledge of the ecosystem will allow for the rapid migration of critical workloads to the cloud with little interruption in application services. This expansion of work is temporary and will not extend beyond the current task order’s period of performance. All future work will be competed and available to all vendors for future actions as the delays and expense of incorporating a new vendor will be distributed over the lifetime of any follow-on actions.
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