“The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today 13 VA employees received the 2020 G2Xchange Leading for Impact, Women in Leadership Award.”
“They are recognized for guiding, mentoring and driving their industry through impactful leadership.”
“These women are integral to the successes in all facets of the many programs and operations benefitting the health and wellbeing of America’s Veterans.”
“They have been and will continue to be a force in effectively communicating and implementing VA’s mission while at the helm in their positions.”
“’VA supports women and women Veterans serving at all levels in the department,’ said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. ‘Women employees at VA are positively impacting the care and services Veterans receive each day in such areas as benefits, customer experience, health, innovation, technology and small business.’”
“Under the leadership of women at VA these are among some of the notable achievements that have been realized…” Read the press release here.
Source: Women in leadership at VA recognized for their impact on Veterans’ lives – October 26, 2020. VA.