Notice ID: 20-0110
Contract: TIRNO-99-D-0005
The contractor shall provide Subject Matter Expertise in complex systems engineering, including requirements management, design and workflow streamlining, organizational change process, establishing governance, acquisition management, and related acquisition documents in support of a future medical accessions system under Solution Delivery Division (SDD) and Lifecycle Management (LCM). The contractor will provide technical advice with Business Process Re-Engineering for DoD Acquisitions Office at the Defense Health Agency to include (but not limited to) Acquisition Management, Support Agreement, Requirements Management, Spend Optimization, Commercial off the shelf (COTS) Utilization Guidance, Test and Evaluation, Measurement & Analysis, Organizational Training, and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) process adoption.
Note: For security purposes, the release of details related to DoD award actions can be delayed as much as 90 days after the award.