Sunday, September 29, 2024

GovernmentCIO: MHS Genesis Deployment is a Top Federal IT Acquisition Area

“Defense Healthcare Management Systems’ modernization initiative to transform Defense Department electronic health records is one of the 16 most mission-critical IT acquisition areas highlighted in a recent report from the Government Accountability Office.”

“Specifically out of all DOD IT acquisitions, both the DHMS modernization and Global Combat Support System-Army were the most critical to their missions, the report said.”

“The DOD’s new electronic health record, MHS Genesis, will play a crucial role in improving the military’s mission of providing and maintaining medical services, readiness and support across all the military services across the globe. The report further underscored how DHMS will bring interoperability and other benefits to the military health system, making its role key to the future of defense operations.”

“’The modernized EHR will include benefits, such as increased capacity, reduction in duplicate medical tests and turnaround time on results, improved patient safety and clinical effectiveness, improved medication reconciliation and reduced adverse drug reactions, improved medical records and document storage, and improved readiness,’ GAO said in support of its findings.”

“DOD medical staff further told GAO that they intend to use MHS Genesis to inform their delivery of medical services, such as enroute care, in dentistry, emergency department care, immunizations, laboratories, radiology, operating rooms, pharmacies, vision, audiology, and inpatient and outpatient services. The EHR will also help in administrative support, front desk operations, logistics and business intelligence…” Read the full article here.

Source: MHS Genesis Deployment is a Top Federal IT Acquisition Area – By Melissa Harris, September 17, 2020. GovernmentCIO.


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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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