- Serve as the second level supervisor of employees engaged in a wide variety of administrative, management services, business operations, and planning functions for the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
- Develop goals and objectives and establish policies and procedures to accomplish the work of NCHS and comply with all legal and regulatory requirements.
- Provide input in the formulation of the NCHS budget and present and defend resource requirements needed to carry out NCHS long-term goals and objectives.
- Advise the NCHS Director on the preparation and presentation of the NCHS out-year budget.
- Develop annual budget plans and budget justifications and the management of approved budgets within NCHS.
- Plan, direct, and evaluate critical and operational planning, program development, and administrative and management services programs for NCHS.
- Participate with the NCHS Director in establishing long- and short-range goals, objectives, and plans for NCHS.