Sunday, December 22, 2024

Press Release: A-TEK, Inc. delivers a GIS-Integrated COVID-19 Tracking Tool, powered by Archibus, to Support Federal Agency Remediation Effort in Record Time!

“While local, state, and Federal government agencies were focused on implementing measures to respond to and contain the spread of COVID-19 nationally, science and technology innovation services provider, A-TEK, Inc., took proactive measures to support one of its Federal health customers with tracking their COVID-19 remediation efforts.”

“The objective of the remediation efforts was to bring impacted spaces back on-line for use after each positive case of COVID-19 was reported, across its ~23 million square feet real property portfolio. The COVID-19 Tracker integrated Archibus and ESRI GIS capabilities to show the path of the infection and a centralized workflow to track space closure, decontamination, and re-opening. With the power and flexibility of the Archibus platform, A-TEK was able to develop the tool in a record 10 days. The tool was acknowledged at the Department level as one of the measures this agency was using in its multifaceted response to identify and mitigate COVID-19 contamination in its buildings, floors, and rooms as it sought to ensure the safety and protection of its staff and contractors…” Read the full press release here.

Source: A-TEK, Inc. delivers a GIS-Integrated COVID-19 Tracking Tool, powered by Archibus, to Support Federal Agency Remediation Effort in Record Time! – June 2, 2020. A-TEK.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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