Friday, October 11, 2024

GovernmentCIO Newscast: Listen: James Gfrerer, CIO, Veterans Affairs

“… VA CIO Jim Gfrerer discusses how the agency quickly pivoted its information and technology operations to respond to the crisis and how he sees recent advancements continuing to make impacts.”

“The Department of Veterans Affairs earlier in the pandemic prepared an agency-wide plan to reorganize the Veterans Health Administration to best care for COVID-19 patients and contain the spread of the new virus. Its four phases involved training, a reorganization of VHA care facilities, rallying resources like telehealth to support remote capabilities and fostering a continuity of operations. The agency also implemented a rigorous demand for collection and dissemination of health information across the agency, both to direct its current actions as well as inform subsequent activity in the case of future epidemics.”

“Gfrerer stresses the importance the agency places on both information and technology, emphasizing that it supports not only the infrastructure to enable remote and digital experiences to patients (like chatbots or self-serve capabilities on, but also delivering information as a service (like its National COVID-19 Report Summary biosurveillance tool)…” Listen to the newscast here.

Source: Listen: James Gfrerer, CIO, Veterans Affairs – June 9, 2020. GovernmentCIO.


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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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