“The Veterans Affairs Department recently deployed a coronavirus chatbot to help veterans and their caregivers find answers to pressing questions triggered amid the pandemic.”
“Built in under a month via the Microsoft Healthcare Bot platform, the new, conversational tool marks a first for the agency and can be accessed around the clock to triage symptoms related to COVID-19, and offer targeted responses regarding testing options, stimulus payments, telehealth, scheduling, prescription refills and more, through prompts users can click through based on their needs.”
“VA contact centers have seen a significant increase in calls from veterans since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This surge in calls drove the rapid development of VA’s first chatbot,” officials wrote in a blog post. “Chatbot allows veterans access to important information from virtually anywhere, at any time.”
“The agency used Microsoft’s Healthcare Bot service, which the tech giant recently offered up to those “on the frontline” free of charge, to help…” Read the full article here.
Source: Veterans Affairs Launches First Chatbot to Field COVID-19 Questions – By Brandi Vincent, May 21, 2020. Nextgov.