Solicitation: 36C10B19Q0570
“… Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has a requirement for the procurement of three (3) perpetual software licenses, with maintenance, for interfaces from the deployed Logistics and Prosthetics GUI Overlay for VistA to three external systems. The current TO, for which this modification is proposed, provides VA with continued sustainment of the Logistics and Prosthetics GUI solution deployed across the VA Enterprise. Under this proposed effort, twelve optional tasks (six optional tasks in Option Period One – three optional tasks for software licenses and three optional tasks for maintenance, and three optional tasks in each subsequent option period for maintenance only) shall be included in the existing TO to allow for the deployment and maintenance of interfaces between the Advanced Prosthetics Acquisition Tool (APAT), which is one of the existing Logistics and Prosthetics GUI applications, and the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) effort, the Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) solution, and the Financial Management Business Transformation (FMBT) effort. These integrations will allow the Prosthetics community to keep the same workflow and business operations they currently have, and the data will be shared with the new systems until the functionality is built into the new VHA solutions. The additional optional tasks will be included in the three 12-month option periods…”
“… The requirement for a Logistics and Prosthetics GUI solution was originally provided under a competitively awarded effort in Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 and renewed in FY 2020. Under the FY 2016 effort, DSS provided licenses and operations and maintenance support for the Logistics and Prosthetics GUI Overlay, and the applications that are included, specifically the APAT tools. This GUI solution is based on DSS proprietary software, which provides VHA with enterprise reporting, dashboards, and data integration software packages since the product was deployed. This Logistics and Prosthetics GUI software package provides a tiered control and implementation of standardized national Veteran Integrated Service Networks and VA Medical Centers business rules, controls, data management and standardization required to perform the functions related to VistA’s Integrated Funds Distribution, Control Point Activity, Accounting and Procurement; General Inventory Package; Automated Engineering Management System/Medical Equipment Reporting System; Prosthetics Inventory Package; and Prosthetics and Sensory Aids Services. It also provides enterprise reporting and data integration services.
As the VA Enterprise continues to change and include replacement systems such as DMLSS, FMBT and the Gerner EHRM solution, VA requires that the deployed Logistics and Prosthetics GUI solution be able to interface with these forward-looking systems.
DSS is the only source that has developed and is able to provide the above mentioned interfaces as well as the only source that has access to the proprietary software code to maintain them. Specifically, in order to…”