Monday, December 23, 2024

PatientEngagementHIT: VA Offers Mobile Patient Portal, Data Access on All Smartphones

“The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is going fully mobile by offering patient data access via smartphone for both iPhone and Android users.”

“The VA had previously offered patient data access using Apple Health Records, a partnership made official in February 2019.”

“This latest move will also allow Android users to download similar patient data access apps, iBlueButton and MyLinks. The apps aim to make it easier for veterans to manage their own care and engage in healthcare goal-setting, the agency said…”

“As noted above, VA has been in partnership with Apple Health Records for just over a year, offering patients the ability to aggregate their patient portal records and medical data gleaned from other health-related apps into a single mobile record. The partnership also allows veterans to share their records with any provider or family member of their choosing.”

“iBlueButton and MyLinks accomplish both of those functions for phones that do not have iOS operating systems, namely Android phones.”

“iBlueButton enables immediate patient data access through its connection with the My HealtheVet patient portal and Blue Button dashboard, in place since 2010. This means veterans can view their VA and Medicare data in a single location.”

“MyLinks enables data sharing, acting as a data exchange platform between the patient’s smartphone and clinician medical records or apps for family caregivers. MyLinks also allows veterans and family caregivers to create single family health records and manage multiple patient files at once.”

“Both of these apps rely on patient opt-in data sharing. Veterans must authorize apps to access veteran health information before the app can do so. Veterans can also turn off data sharing functionality whenever they need…” Read the full article here.

Source: VA Offers Mobile Patient Portal, Data Access on All Smartphones – By Sara Heath, April 28, 2020. PatientEngagementHIT.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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