“The Department of Health and Human Services’ employees protect the personally identifiable information of more than 100 million people, and as one of the largest bureaucracies in the federal government, must defend a sprawling network against a growing number of intrusion attempts.”
“The National Institutes of Health, however, is taking a “people-centric approach” to this cybersecurity challenge, Jothi Dugar, the chief information security officer of NIH’s Center for Information Technology, said in an interview with Federal News Network. That approach, she said, exists as the central theme of the agency’s new Optimize IT Security initiative, which views NIH’s workforce as its greatest asset – not its greatest liability – in combatting cyber threats…”
“The Optimize IT Security effort, one of eight programs launched throughout HHS to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations, looks to empower employees with the information they need to identify suspicious behavior, such as phishing emails, and make employees feel comfortable reporting these anomalous activities to cyber personnel.”
“As part of this approach, NIH identified 13 different user groups across the enterprise with access its networks, and is tailoring cyber-awareness approaches to positions such as clinicians, researchers, scientists and emergency management personnel…” Read the full article here.
Source: NIH taking ‘people-centric’ approach to cybersecurity through Optimize program – By Jory Heckman, March 18, 2020. Federal News Network.