Wednesday, January 8, 2025

NIH NCI/OCPL Digital Communications Services bridge contract to be awarded

Award Number: HHSN276201500007B_75N91020F00038

“A one-month bridge award is planned, to be procured via a call/order under an NIH-wide Blanket Purchasing Agreement (BPA). Due to unforeseen circumstances, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Office of Communications & Public Liaison (OCPL), Office of Dissemination and Digital Communications (ODDC) has an urgent and compelling need to avoid a break in service for critical support.”

“As the NCI is the leading cancer research organization in the United States, it is the NCI’s responsibility to ensure that the United States public and healthcare professionals do not lose effective access to current cancer-related information that the NCI has invested significant appropriated funding in compiling. Information through digital channels must be updated daily to provide up to date information on evidence-based cancer treatment practices. Additionally, these digital services are integral to ensuring effective operation of the NCI grants portfolio, keeping a large community of organizations updated on funding opportunities and related policy information. Therefore, a break in core services to support digital communications development, optimization, and maintenance is unacceptable and would result in the NCI failing to meet its mission.”

The contractor shall provide the skills, tools, resources, and program/project management necessary to manage the dissemination of cancer-related information through planning, designing, developing, testing, implementing, operating, optimizing, maintaining, and supporting: digital strategy; web and social media; other communications platforms (content management systems, PDQ authoring/production and support systems, other new emerging platforms, etc.); software engineering and architecture; and, metrics reporting and analysis.

The NCI OCPL has already begun working with the NCI Office of Acquisitions on a competitive procurement to acquire these services…”

Name and address of the proposed contractor(s).

Sapient Government Services, Inc.
1515 N Courthouse Rd FL 4
Arlington, VA 22201

Read more here.



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Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert
Jackie Gilbert is a Content Analyst for FedHealthIT and Author of 'Anything but COVID-19' on the Daily Take Newsletter for G2Xchange Health and FedCiv.

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