Solicitation: HHS-NIH-NCI-SBSS-CDCC-2019
The National Cancer Institute approved the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial in January 1991. Contracts were awarded in September 1992 for Screening Centers (SCs), a Coordinating Center, and a Laboratory.
The CDCC manages the centralized data and participates in direct follow-up activities for active PLCO participants; additionally, it coordinates data linkages of all active and passive PLCO participants and all NLST-LSS participants.
The purpose of this requirement is to support the National Cancer Institute with technical and project management services for the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial and National Lung Screening Trial resources by: 1) continuing the follow-up of participants; 2) updating key exposure data and collecting additional data through delivery of questionnaires and/or biospecimens; 3) increasing the number of accrued incident cancers through active follow-up and data linkages with state cancer registries; 4) updating participants’ vital statuses through active follow-up and data linkages with the National Death Index.
- Project Management
- Computer Programming and Data Management
- PLCO/NLST Passive Follow-Up
- PLCO Active Follow-Up…